Testimony from Kristen M.

Being diagnosed with IBS-C, then SIBO led me down some seemingly endless rabbit holes. There is a plethora of information and I needed someone knowledgeable to help compile and target my specific motility issues using low FODMAP as a guide. After sharing my labs & tests, Abigail quickly assessed my nutritional needs and built an easy-to-follow protocol. She slowly introduced my body to the nutrients and minerals needed to function optimally. It’s not a fast process, however, once I healed my gut and it began to respond after about a month, I felt better than I had for the past ten years. She knew just what to tweak each week and allowed my willingness and level of comfort to guide the treatment timeline. I will forever be thankful for Abigail’s guidance. I felt like we were a team and our efforts together have given me the energy to play with and be present with my family. I am healthy and I love feeling this way!

-Kristen M.


Testimony from Claire W.


Testimony from Yvonne S.